Monday, January 26, 2009

(600A) View on Culture Difference -DongWon Lee-

In the same country, it is different culture which depends on a home back ground. Therefore, it is nature of things that countries have different culture. Most people might feel bad due to different culture, and sometimes many of them are not able to understand why their countries do. It is evident that different culture is that something is not better than others. It is just a point of difference; for instance, if a person was born in Africa and grew up, he/she might follow their culture. Like this, there are a lot of dissimilarities between Korea and the U.S.
The one of the different things is private tutoring. Americans also have cram schools that help get a high score in tests, but Korea boasts a wide variety of private institutes. For instance, most children not only learn English and math or violin, but also philosophy, storytelling, debating, chess, or drawing through private tutoring even if their children do not want to do. The private tutoring is not over even when one goes to college. College students often rely on these private institutes to especially skills for a job interview or make a presentation. On the other hand, In “American Values and Assumptions” which is reported by Gray Althen, he indicated that certain phrases on commonly hears among Americans capture their devotion to individualism: “You’ll have to decide that for yourself.” “If you don’t look out for yourself, no one else will.” “Look out for number one.” “Be your own best friend.” As above, Americans idealize prefers an atmosphere of freedom, which is extremely strong and positive connotations. However, only a few Koreans admire people who become a reputational person without private education such as Hu-Min, who passed the qualification examination for Seoul University, which is the hardest university to admit in Korea. All of this means that most Koreans are living in competitive society.
In Korea there are many people who like drinking alcohol and many unique drinking cultures different from America. Most Koreans move to another bar and drink more after having their first drink even though they know that they will get a hangover next day, and it gives them many health problems. When the elders offer some drinks, Koreans are not able to refuse even when they feel very sick because obeying the elders is also one of the significant culture in Korea. They think that this situation is extremely dangerous and detrimental culture that has derived from a beneficial culture where they used to receive a shot of liquor as a gift from elders back in the days. From old times, socially most Koreans tend to drink alcohol together when they have a free time; they want to share the emotional feeling, get closer, and release the stress from the society while taking a drink each other. Despite these advantages, Americans prefer having individual time to drinking. Moreover, Americans assume that people “need some time to themselves” or “some time alone” to think about things or recover their spent psychological energy. (Para. 16, 17) In recent days, many companies and organizations have started a campaign to get rid of some harmful parts of drinking custom in Korea.
Another one is congratulation money at wedding custom. When Koreans are invited to a wedding ceremony, they prepare a white envelope with money in it. Marriage gifts are not common except with close friends. Most of guests give a white envelope to a receptionist at the wedding. A wedding is a huge family event, so Koreans give this congratulation money to help pay for the expenses. However, during the wedding season, usually from March to May, it costs a lot of money for salary workers since they are many weddings. On the average Koreans are being invited to the wedding at least ten to fifty times, and spend money approximately more than three thousand dollars. Even if they have expended some money in order to participate in a marriage ceremony, they do not care anything about that. However, in the United States, Americans do not give congratulation money. Instead of congratulation money, guests usually give gifts at the wedding. Often wedding couples register with a store so that guests know what silverware, plates, and other things what couples want to get. Therefore, most guests are able to order one or two products, and give it to them.
To summarize, one of the different cultures from America is private education, drinking custom, and congratulation money at wedding. As above, there are three different cultures from Korea and America. Different culture is an issue which people should understand and accept. It does not persist someone’s culture. Due to different culture, it is thought that people can experience the wild world. It is personal choice what culture people accept.

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